New from Equal Rights Advocates: 5 Simple Steps to Ensure Justice & Equity Prevail on Nov. 6
We’ll get right down to it: On Nov. 6, we all need to turn out to vote.
Why? Because our rights are literally on the line. Because just 2 Senate votes meant the difference in Brett Kavanaugh getting confirmed to the Supreme Court. Because for the past 40 years, only 40% of us have been making decisions for all of us.
Voting certainly is not the solution to all our problems. But it is one of the only ways to ensure that the people who represent us, create our laws, and make decisions that affect our everyday lives actually reflect our values. If we all vote, we can build a world based on equity, justice, and civil rights for all.
Let’s make it happen on Nov. 6. We can start with these 5 steps:
- 1. Check on your registration. It’s a good idea for each of us to double check that our registration is up to date and good to go before heading to the polls: If you’re not registered at your current address, or you changed your name since the last time you voted, be sure to update your registration before your state’s deadline! Check out state deadlines here, and register at
- 2. Make a plan. Locate your polling place, and decide what time of day you’ll go — before work? During a meal break? After work? What’s the best time of day to ensure nothing will pop up and keep you from having a say in our country’s future? Remember, in most states, your employer is required to give you time off to vote if you need it. Check your state’s laws on getting time off for voting here.
- 3. Get informed. Many community organizations release guides with recommendations for ballot measures. Some of our favorites come from the YWCA and the League of Women Voters.
- 4. Bring a friend. You value your friends and their civil rights, right? So hold each other accountable and make sure your voices are heard.
- 5. Know your rights. Voting should be easier, but unfortunately state laws can complicate things (sometimes intentionally). Knowing your rights ahead of time can ensure your vote is counted no matter what.
- Stay in line. If you’re in line to vote when the polls close, don’t leave! It’s your right to stick around and vote, as long as you’re in line by the time polls close. In most states, polls close at 7:00 or 8:00 p.m. (Check your state’s polling place hours here.)
- Brush up on your state’s voter ID laws. Some states have strict voter ID laws. (Check your state’s here.) If your polling place turns you away because you don’t have the required ID, you can still vote using a provisional ballot. Just say the following phrase: “Give me a provisional ballot with a receipt as required by law when requested.” With a provisional ballot, you may be required take additional steps after Election Day (for example, returning to the election office with an ID) to ensure your vote is counted.
- If you do experience a problem at your polling place… whether it’s discrimination or intimidation by poll watchers or law enforcement; or if your polling place is not able to accommodate your disability; or if someone tries to deny your right to vote — call a voter protection helpline to make sure you’re able to vote, and ensure others aren’t turned away for the same reason.
- ACLU: 877-523-2792
- Our Vote: (866) OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
- NAACP: 866-MyVote1 (866-698-6831)
The post 5 Simple Steps to Ensure Justice & Equity Prevail on Nov. 6 appeared first on Equal Rights Advocates.
By: ERA Staff
Published at: October 19, 2018 at 11:17AM
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