New from Equal Rights Advocates: Kavanaugh, Kava-NAW, Kava-Oh-Heck-No: Take action to oppose the SCOTUS pick

Monday night, Trump announced his pick of Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.

Since then, we’ve heard from the White House about what 34 conservative white men have to say in support of Kavanaugh, and we’ve heard a clap-back by 34 women across political affiliations with their deep concerns about his nomination and the threat of a strongly conservative majority on the Supreme Court bench.

While we love a dad who spends time coaching his daughter’s basketball team, we have no love for a pops who will then turn around and use his power to block that same daughter’s reproductive freedom. For anyone looking to protect our constitution and civil rights in this country, Kavanaugh is the wrong pick for the Supreme Court:

  • Kavanaugh ruled in favor of the Trump-Pence Administration’s efforts to block a 17-year old immigrant woman from getting an abortion.
  • He agrees that employers’ religious beliefs supersede their employees’ access to birth control.
  • He’s stated that a sitting president should not be the subject of criminal investigations – signaling to Trump that he won’t be a check on the executive branch.

The battle over the SCOTUS pick’s confirmation will be a close one, likely coming down to a single Senator’s vote. Vocal opposition is needed from  supporters of civil rights in key states with Senators who are at the heart of the Kavanaugh confirmation tug-of-war:

ALASKA – Senator Murkowski (R) was famously 1 of 3 Republican Senators to vote against gutting the Affordable Care Act. She voted to confirm Justice Gorsuch. Murkowski isn’t up for re-election until 2022.

MAINE – Senator Collins (R) was right there along with Senator Collins in voting against pulling apart ObamaCare. She did, however, also vote to confirm Gorsuch. Collins is up for re-election in 2020. 

ALABAMA – Senator Jones (D) wasn’t in office for the Gorsuch vote, and isn’t facing re-election until 2020. However, he’s in a state with a solid conservative base and is likely feeling pressure to confirm Kavanaugh. Jones was invited by the White House to attend the SCOTUS announcement.

INDIANA – Senator Donnelley, along with Heitkamp (North Dakota – D) and Manchin (West Virginia – D), were the only 3 Democratic Senators who voted to confirm Gorsuch. The Trump Administration also invited the trio, along with Senator Jones, to attend the SCOTUS pick announcement at the White House this past Monday night. Donnelley is up for re-election this fall.

NORTH DAKOTA – Senator Heitkamp (D) is part of the trio that is being courted by the White House and voted to confirm Gorsuch. Heitkamp is up for re-election this fall.

WEST VIRGINIA – Senator Manchin (D) is the final member of the Democratic trio that is being courted by the White House and voted to confirm Gorsuch. Manchin is also up for re-election this fall.

Let’s be clear about the consequences of having Judge Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. His confirmation would pose a direct threat to the issues we all have been fighting for: affordable health care for working moms & families; making it safe for all people to make their own family planning decisions; creating workplaces that enable working women to care for their families without worrying about harassment or discrimination based on race or gender.

The people who oppose civil rights, abortion rights, and access to health care won’t rest during this confirmation battle. We can’t afford to rest either. One vote will make the difference in successfully blocking Kavanaugh’s ascension to the Supreme Court.

Make your resistance known by filling out the form below to send a message to your Senators:

The post Kavanaugh, Kava-NAW, Kava-Oh-Heck-No: Take action to oppose the SCOTUS pick appeared first on Equal Rights Advocates.

By: ERA Staff
Published at: July 13, 2018 at 02:30AM
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